• Is Lahaina Rise a verified nonprofit?

    Yes! We are a certified 501(c)3 company.

  • Are my donations tax-deductible?

    Yes! Every donation will recieve a charitable contribution letter, which can be used when filing taxes as a deduction.

  • Where are you headquartered?

    We are headquarted in Lahaina, HI. 

  • What are my donations used for?

    All donations are used directly to help the community of Lahaina rebuild. Our first priority is to ensure that all residents are able to afford a place to live and other necessities in the direct aftermath of the fire.

  • I have more questions. How do I reach out?

    You can email us with any questions at aloha@lahainarise.org.

  • I'm a resident. How do I get help?

    For immediate assistance, complete our form online.

    For additional help, send an email to aloha@lahainarise.org.

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